Oncology Research Center Day 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Oncology Research Center Day 2024 will take place on 23 October 2024 at the VUB Health Campus. Speakers from all 3 Large Research Groups from ORC will present the latest developments in cancer research and care with focus on technology and methodology in 3 main sessions:

  • Translational Oncology Research Center
  • End-of-Life Care Research Group
  • Research Center for Digital Medicine

All researcher-attendees also have the opportunity to showcase their research during a poster session. 3 best posters win prizes!

Venue: Phantomlab, Building K, VUB Health Campus (see Campusplan)

Date: 23 October 2024

Please have a look at the program here.


Admission is free, but registration is required. Registration deadline: Monday 14 October 2024

Places are limited! For registrations we use the ‘first come, first serve’ principle. You will receive confirmation of your reserved seat.

!ORC day 2024 fully booked!

Please note that all available spots for the event have now been filled. However, we are still accepting registrations for the waiting list. If a spot becomes available due to cancellations, we will notify those on the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.


To be added to the waiting list, please register via this link


Info for abstract submission

We encourage researchers and students to share their recent findings, knowledge, and insights. Each participant can submit one abstract (as presenting author). Places for posters are limited, and available according to a first come, first served basis. The persons who submitted an abstract will be informed on 9 October whether they can present a poster. 3 best posters win prizes.

Deadline abstract submission: Friday 4 October 2024

It is no longer possible to submit an abstract.


Questions? E-mail to orc@vub.be


ORC no show policy: click here