Significant recognition for VUB vice-rector and ORC-chair
The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is proud to announce that its vice-rector for Internationalisation, Professor Karin Vanderkerken has been selected as new member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB). She has received this honour in recognition of her scientific merit. Her expertise will enrich the Academy’s operations.
As a VUB professor in biomedical science, Karin Vanderkerken joins the Class of Natural Sciences, one of the four classes that make up the Academy.
“I am extremely honoured by this fine recognition of my efforts and see it as the crowning achievement of my work,” says Vanderkerken. “It is a privilege to be part of an institution with such an impressive history and to be able to contribute to its future through my experience in both research and policy.”
Vanderkerken joins other leading VUB members in the Class of Natural Sciences, including Professors Charles Hirsch (emeritus), Irina Veretennicoff (emerita), Alexander Sevrin and Luc Steels (emeritus and class director), and the Class of Arts, including Professor Willem Elias (emeritus).
Career professor Dr. Karin Vanderkerken
Professor Karin Vanderkerken, full professor in the Biomedical Sciences department, is active as a scientist at the VUB Brussels Health Campus in Jette.
She is, among other things, head of the hematology and immunology research group (HEIM). From 2016 to June 2022, as Vice Rector for Research Policy, she focused strongly on the core facilities and the renewal of the research infrastructures. She was one of the driving forces behind the research collaboration within the EUTOPIA partnership of ten European universities, which also includes the VUB.
With her longstanding management experience as Vice Rector for Internationalization, she is committed to further strengthening the position of the VUB as an international player in the field of education and research.
About the KVAB
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts is a society of outstanding scientists, artists and business leaders. Members are appointed for life and join one of four classes: natural sciences, humanities, arts or technical sciences.
Through a variety of initiatives, the KVAB aims to develop a long-term vision for key scientific and societal challenges and contribute to relevant policy. The Academy also publishes reports and position papers, organises colloquia and conferences, awards a number of prestigious scientific prizes and hosts eminent foreign academics.
Members of the Academy can only be elected through a selection procedure, based on scientific merit.