As an initiative to make scientific research more accessible to the general public, the team Hematology and Immunology (HEIM) of the Translational Oncology Research Center (TORC) - VUB recently hosted...
The progress of cancer research for and by people Cancer is still the leading cause of death in Belgium. On average 188 people a day are diagnosed with cancer. You...
Bart Neyns is an authority in the field of immunotherapy Saturday 4 February is World Cancer Day, the day when the world remembers the impact of cancer. But what exactly is...
After two years of organising an online version of the ORC day, this year on 22 December the annual ORC day 2022 was organized at VUB campus Jette. Both international...
Meet three leading cancer researchers at VUB Thursday 20 October sees the 23rd edition of the Day Against Cancer, an event created by the non-profit Kom op tegen Kanker. The...
The public PhD defence of Kim DE NOOIJER entitled “Specialised palliative home care for older people: towards a new service model” will take place on Friday, 8 July 2022 at...
The public PhD defence of Sven DE MEY entitled “Barriers in radiobiology : Hypoxic radiosensitization by modifying the metabolism of the tumor” will take place on Tuesday, 28 June 2022...